Thursday, July 28, 2011


Quinn by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin
Quinn, a photo by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin on Flickr.

I fell in love with this face while searching DevianART for Female stock photos to manipulate. She is from TD stock and I am very happy with how she turned out.

Albert and Leopold digital ATC

Working on some Digital ATC;s
Keeping my hand in. It is hard to judge what they would look like unless I print them since the computer makes them so big!

Lydia-digital ATC

Used many fliters and textures in this one


Grace by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin
Grace, a photo by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin on Flickr.

Model is from DeviantART--Archtype
lots of texture layers

The Inventor

The Inventor by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin
The Inventor, a photo by Queen Be-Lynne Larkin on Flickr.

Playing with some textures