Thursday, August 6, 2009


I have been soooo busy this second week of my Stacation. I decided to do some more watercolors and since I liked the way my early Goldfish turned out I did a few more. Then I searched the internet for pics of tropical fish with the idea of trying my hand at those--Well, OCD as I am I have been doing Fish watercolor ATC's almost all week!! I think I have done about 25 or 26. I traded a few already on ATCs for All. I really like doing them, some I tried to do life like or fish like, if you will--others I just did fantasy colors, etc. When I reach the saturation point, maybe I'll go on to birds. Below are some of the fish I did this week

Off to watch an Encore of the Postman with Kevin Costner--Love him--and Make more ART!!
YOU--Go make some ART

Sunday, August 2, 2009


The economy has hit us hard. NO vacation for us this year. But I did take 2 weeks of vacation time, and am having a Stacation--ART style. This marks my second week and I have done a LOT of art and catching up. I finally got to the line on my LIST that read, update blog--so here I am.
I went to the ArtForAll2009 in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 19/20. It was a great event for Members of I had never been to something like that before, and I went ALONE. So big adventure for me (I am actually a Shy person). I took a number of classes given by members: Faux tintypes, stamp carving, Using postage stamps as a focal point in ATC's, Match box shrines. Every one was interesting and I learned so much. Each attendee got a goodie bag full of "Stuff". I met a LOT of very talented artists-which intimidated me to no end, which is a failing on my part, as Each and EVERY ONE were supportive, warm, and, welcoming.
I did a lot of trading while I was there, and got some GREAT cards. I was blown away at talent and creativity of the members I met
I am going to start saving for next year--it is in Rochester, NY!!
Attended the Milwaukee Live ATC trade on June 27. The Theme was hand drawn. I did some Chalk on black illustration board--
Cause I cannot draw!!!

I used a vacation day and had a Long weekend over the 4th. Very uneventful, as it RAINED most of the Day. It did clear up long enough to have fireworks in the evening. We went to a party given by some friends of Joe's (now mine too), from the NWG-Richard and Patrick. It was a lot of fun, with great food and conversation.
On July 11, we drove to Decatur,IL to celebrate my little brother's retirement from Frito-Lay.
I was going to Kick his butt around the back yard for retiring before me, but I love him so much I just couldn't do it. We had a great time-got to see all of my nephews and their families. My sister-in-law, Chris did a great job putting the party together.
July 18 was Milwaukee Live trade again--early this month. The theme was "Found Objects" and I forgot to scan my card !!! It was cute-I made it from a Fruit of the Loom Bra package that I found in the Walmart parking lot, which in itself brings a TON of questions to mind.
That brings me up to July 27 the start of MY STACATION--
I have been working this week on Watercolor pencil drawings. I cannot draw so I have been using a 'pattern' transfered outline to the watercolor paper, then sketching in detail and finishing off with watercolor pencils and micron pen, inks, acrylic etc.
I made my cards for the Wheaton Swap using that technique. The Theme was "Hot, Hot, Hot"
so Caliente-I made hot peppers-

Yesterday was August 1 and the Wheaton live Trade-It was a rainy day and I was somewhat bummed out because I have also been catching up on my reading and I had finished the new Steig Laarson book, 'The Girl Who Played With Fire', and I always get mildly depressed when I finish a really good book-go figure??? So, I was not good company. We did the trade, I spent way too much at Dick Blicks( I got the most wonderful Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils--well worth the money-I want more colors!!!) Came home and started making some more cards.

I Still have another WEEK!!!!YEAH--of vacation to create, read, stay up late and sleep in-though the last never happens.